We anticipate all costs. From the initial study to the prototype, our engineering and technical assistance is for free, until the result is achieved.
It means to you:
- Total zeroing of risks
- Total elimination of the initial investment costs

We increase the productivity of your plant, preserving or improving the quality of the finished product.
So you can:
- Manage peak times, meeting market’s requests withouit losing orders and customers
- Make the most out of your spaces, avoiding transfers or the construction of new machinery

The highly technological structure of Movingfluid’s systems can give to your system, if requested, characteristics of high automation and predisposition for integration with the corporate industrial process.
That makes possible:
- Adhesion to financing for technological development
- Pursuit of efficiency and continuous improvement goals
- Modularity of programming, consumption monitoring, reporting processing and forecasting
- Zeroing of every risk probability
- Drastic reduction in plant shutdowns

We are experts in fluid handling, specialised in the development of innovative systems and in the production of prototypes for industrialisation.
Movingfluid’s solutions often come to emerge as absolute novelties in reference markets. For our clients, it is a real competitive advantage on a commercial level

Personnel safety comes first. Increase the degree of safety at workplace, with a downgrading of risks, often turns into a result of our intervention.
For the company, this leads to considerable economic benefits resulting from a reduction in insurance premiums.

Our plant engineering solutions are aimed at offering the best production results by lowering energy consumption, waste materials and CO2 emissions.

Movingfluid’s engineering consultancy is released from trademarks and predefined solutions. We don’t have to sell a catalog or warehouse product. This freedom makes us unique in always identifying the real best solution for our client.

Our work is founded on research and continuous comparison. We are updated with all the news in fluid handling. We also ensure transversal services and the best possible solution with the highest quality, at the lowest cost and in short times.

As a real external R&D office, Movingfluid provides specialised resources in the design and construction of systems.
For the client, it turns into:
- Internal resources available for other rules
- Drastic reduction in “time-to-market” times

We are close to those who trust us in every part of the world, with specialised professionals from a design and technical point of view.
Making use of our workforce abroad allows you to avoid assigning jobs to unskilled workers or subcontractors who, taking no responsibility for the result, often represent a problem for the company.