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clean mixing tanks for masterbatch production

Basca, has simplified the process of washing its mixing tanks, reducing washing cost by 83%, washing time by 75% increasing cleaning quality and operator safety.

Process of washing mixing tanks simplified.
The Sfiga
The customer has the need to wash about 15 mixing tanks per day, the initial situation involved 1 operator full time washing manually using high pressure washer. This meant a cost that was exceeding € 300 per day considering labor and waste water disposal cost (€ 72,000 per year). In addition, the working conditions for the worker were not acceptable, which meant that many times the final tank quality was not as expected and the washbay quite untidy and slippery.
The solution
Basca supported the client to analyze facts and figures of the present situation, suggesting possible solutions to wash the containers in automatic way. One the desired machine configuration has been finalized we have supplyed a Basca Washing Machine equipped with a 200 bar pump to spray the water on the tank surface granting a perfect cleaning in about 5 to 8 min/tank. Together we installed a small waste water recovery system that allowed to recycle and reuse the washing water again and again for further washing cycles, reducing the related costs. The whole system is managed by a single operator less than 2 hours/day, which allowed the company to let him perform other tasks thanks to time savings, generating great value for the company itself.
The Advantage
The operation of water regeneration is automatic
Increase in production, increase in efficiency, labor cost reduction

Productivity increase: + 400%

Inefficiency reduction: – 75%

Cost reduction / year: € 60.000

Increase in production – a greater number of tanks that can be washed.

Increase in efficiency – less dispersion of resources and controllable processes.

Labor cost reduction – the reduction of low added value activities.

Increased safety – no more jobs at high risk to health and elimination of the transport of hazardous substances.

Greater flexibility – the ability to wash different types of containers.

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